Execution of on-site radiation protection tasks at the JRC Karlsruhe
The JRC Karlsruhe is one of the six scientific sites of the European Commission’s Joint Research Center (JRC) and the headquarters of the Scientific Directorate for Nuclear Monitoring and Safety. It is located on the North Campus of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Karlsruhe, Germany. Safetec performs radiation protection tasks on site and operates the measurement laboratory.
Our services:
- Direct measurement and wipe tests according to Section 58 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV), including documentation
- Direct measurement and wipe tests according to Section 31 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) (clearance procedure), including documentation
- Radiological checks of the discharged radioactive waste packages
- Weekly changing of the indoor air filters
- Floor wipe tests in the entire controlled area for the measuring laboratory
- Functional testing of the entry and exit airlocks and conveyor belts
- All important safety-related reporting concerning radiation protection
- and much more